Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Before & After - Mudroom

 Welcome in the door of Vinnord. This is my newest project. The equestrian inspired mudroom. Horses are a big part of my life, and I wanted to incoperate that somehow. But traditional equine decor never made my heart skip. I wanted something classic and british, not cowboy-esque and definitly not dark!

So lets take a look at how I did, shall we?
remember you can click the images for larger views :)

This is what I had to work with. The only window in the room faces the roofed porch, meaning it doesnt let in much needed light. The whole room felt unwelcoming and sombre. Unfortunalty it was left this way for the better part of 3 years, due to time and money. In march this year however I finally started. (And I am not done yet)

And here is what I ended up with so far. The walls were painted a very light, yet warm, gray. The moldings a darker shade still, and the floors darker yet. The floor is ment to be checkerd some day.

I collected old vintage postcards and had them matted and framed. I kept most the wood a dark brown stain, I like how it works with the lighter shades of gray.

I also collect vintage ceramic horses. More have found their home here since this photoshoot as well.

details like this old bit might just be my favorite.

The stairs were originally clad in horrible, moldy carpets. Yuk! It was so great to have them ripped off. Underneath was hardwood stairs, I simply painted them. The old horse shoes are from my best friend's family farm. They are all different and crooked. People keep telling me they are facing the wrong way, and that the luck will run out. I say the bathe the steps in luck, so everyone walking them will be lucky ;)
The lanterns were a set. Cheap ones that were a horrible red/black colour. I gave them the Vinnord treatment and magiced them into a verdigris finnish!

the doors were painted a light aqua, but I have actually concidered painting them a brighter shade of spring green... inspired by ralph lauren's equestrian style.

The key hanger was a piece left by former owners, I stained it dark.

The horsehead hooks were ebay finds. The 80's velvet helmet a gift from my sister.

Since the pictures for CotM were taken, I have added some new horses to my collection. So lets say hello to them shall we?
The two plates are from Poole Pottery. Found at a charity shop in the UK. The Beswick horses are from a UK carboot. 
Cute arent they? I think they need names!
This smart fella is another carboot find. So cute.

Alot of you have also said you're looking forward the the stable :) Well I hope you are patient. I wont start it untill next summer. We have buildt a temporary one for now, which will not be as cute. Just you know, practical. Allthough I am sure I'll have some cuter details there as well :p right?! Once a decorator, always a decorator.

Next on the cottage tour is the upstairs, which for now is the atlièr :)
Come back for that!
as usual these images were taken by my super talented sister Eva at evafeldmann.com 


  1. Lovely! i used to collect ceramic horses when I was a young girl. My grandfather had horses and had an amazing bit collection. If you scroll back a few posts on my blog, you can read about him.


  2. This is just lovely...the hat, the ceramic ponies, the horseshoes, it all works in perfect unison. The ribbons on the window add a ncie touch. Andrea @ townandprairie

  3. I love this room. You accomplished the Equestrian feeling. Thanks for the answer of the "upside down horseshoes". I love the reason. Had you heard that myth before or is it just an "American" thing? My oldest son and his GF are horse people too. They are more the "cowboy" type as they participate in barrel racing, roping and bull riding. Crazy on the bull riding. That's my boy ;) You had such good ideas and know how to incorporate the feeling you are trying to aquire. Great job.
    Stephanie @ onenoplacelikehome.blogspot.com

  4. Gangen har virkelig blitt flott!! =) Jeg elsker at den sommerlige følelsen nå kommer helt ut i gangen..=) Er spent på om gangen kommer til å kjennes KALD til vinteren, eller om den klarer å beholde sommerfølelsen slik som resten av huset. Gleder meg på en måte litt til å se rutene på gulvet også, for gulvet er nesten litt for sterilt på enkelte av bildene, om du skjønner hva jeg mener... Men håper ikke de rutene blir kjempemørke (som i sorte), for da blir det litt for mye PANG. =)
    Kjente jeg var i ett lite interiørhjørne ved meg selv nå ja, hehe...

    OG TAKK FOR DEN HERLIGE KOMMENTAREN i innlegget mitt om karakterene og intervjuet! =))))

    Miss you, as always....

  5. You had me at Harry Potter, Pride & Prejudice, your green bottle collection, flower frogs, globes ... all the things I love too! Your home is amazing! I would love to feature your mudroom next Saturday for my Exceptionally Eclectic series where I spotlight the best things that catch my eye! Please check out my blog and let me know what you think.

  6. What a beautiful result. Following you now
    Carolynxx coming to you from the Northern Beaches of Australia


I'd be so happy if you would leave me sign of you being here :)