Tuesday, August 30, 2011

hunting for fleas

Last weekend's fleamakrked hunt went rather well I must say. Saturday wasnt the best maybe (but it did land me my favorite find) but sunday was incredible! Which made up alittle for me not being able to go to my friend's 30thbirthday party...

I am not gonna show you everything I found in one go, but decided to spread it troughout the week :) Untill next weekend which will be another fun hunt I am sure.

I found this little white horse. I love him... the details are really nice, allthough it's hard to capture with the camera I use. Maybe my sister can do a better job one day :D 

I originally ment for him to be in my hallway, but he now lives in the diningroom. He looks so lovely there, I think he has to stay.

He is very soft to the touch, not shiny but rather silky. There is a slight miscolouring on his hind leg, and a tiiiny chip off his ear. But other than that he is perfect!

I also brought home a clydesdale horse, a shiny larger figurine, a santa (yes...), some old fashioned kitchen utensils in green. A couple things for my figgjo collection. A large painting for the stable (yupp...) and a couple of super cute tins. I bought a chandelier for the porch, but mum fell in love with it and I gave it to her instead :)

no new furniture this time, but my sister found three glass cabinets to display her vintage cameras in. They will look awesome once painted.

hope you all had a great weekend as well!


  1. A painting in the stable is a FABUOUS idea. Sometimes the unexpected is the most pleasane surprise. andrea @ townandprairie

  2. A painting in the stable is a FABUOUS idea. Sometimes the unexpected is the most pleasane surprise. andrea @ townandprairie

  3. Sounds like you had some great finds at the flea market, can't wait to see all the photos.

    Debbie x

  4. Det virker trossalt litt gøy å gå på loppemarked likevel..:) Jeg bare liker ikke det å skulle presse meg inn og være tøff... hmm...
    Søt hest da...=)


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