Thursday, December 1, 2011

30 years of madness!

I turned the big 3-0 on Nov. 27th. And well, I couldnt pass up a chance to invite over some friends, make a proper feast of a dinner, aaaand set a beautiful table... 

Remember I told you was in such yule-mode? Well now it's raining, and its warm outside... I am moping! I want frost and snow now! Well I couldnt pass up decorating my table in a winter wonderland theme....

And because all of my guests were horse related, most from NPA (Norwegain Pony Breeders Society), I simply had to have horses! 

These are old, worn and loved, plastic animals that I painted white before glittering them up. I really love how they sparkled on my table.

 Looks pretty doesnt it? And so wintery and cold. Just love how my cottage decor can go from beach-house chic in the summer, to freezing winter cottage in the colder seasons.
 Those trees, I just love them. Bought the large one last year and the small one I had to get this year.

All ready for my 8 guests pluss myself. I never thought I'd be able to fit them all around my table... But we all had breathing space!

I got some really cool gifts too. I will show you those, later ;)
And may I just say... this table did NOT look as clean and pretty at 8am, when we finally crawled back to bed.... Need I say the morning after was NOT a fresh one?! Giggle.... but one turns 30 only once!


  1. Gratulerer så mye! Flott fest du tydeligvis hadde. Jeg ble 50 i høst. En har en tendens til å bli litt "treigere" med åra. Kan du love meg å prøve å holde på så mye galskap og lekenhet som mulig i all fremtid?
    Spennende å se hva du har fått!

  2. Your welcome for the pin ~ love your style and Happy Birthday!!

  3. REALLY beautiful!! I love this display...and the horses are perfect!


I'd be so happy if you would leave me sign of you being here :)