Saturday, February 4, 2012

Life in the Winter

I am still alive, allthough I have been batteling a viral pneumonia for 4 weeks now. Not to worry, I am back at work, but still get easily out of breath. Which is a pain, especially when it's so damn cold. It is freezing here at the Cottage these days. Me and the cats huddle up in bed together, there's nothing like three warm furries when the cold it biting at your window. When I go into the mudroom you can see the frost in my breath!!! Imagine that! So with all of this, there has been no excess energy to blog or take photos. 

Untill today that is....

And I did make a NEW blog. One for Pixie alone. I wanted a place where I could keep my memories, update on shows and progress without littering my Vinnord blog full of equine extravaganza! So if you enjoy reading about my babygirl pony, please head on over to Jahrs Faerydae Pixie's blog.

I also have news on the kittens. Pokus traveled to his new home, then returned. The lady that had him also had more cats and Pokus did not like this at all. When he arrived back to me, his brother and mum took him back without hesitation. But becuase Pokus was such a timid soul I decided that he should have a home where he could be complete king and ruler. I found him another home like this, and he is now thriving! I am so happy for him, but I do miss him.
Little Hokus is ruling the cottage though. He is such a rascal! I swear he comes up with new ideas to torment me every day! He climbs up my leg with surprising speed, climbes the curtains, eats ALL my plants, plays with my displays and this morning he shredded an entire loo-roll to pieces! Life certainly is NOT boring around here!

But I have to admit, he is so darn cute I cant stay angry at him for long! How could anybody resist that face?

 My biggest decorating feat. this month is my newly dressed fridge. I was tired of seeing the white door riddled with old stickers... so I dressed it in pretty paper. It's not glued on, but rather stuck on with my new favorite... magnetic tape! Oh yes!!! I love it. And when I am tired of THIS I can just make a new one! Inexpensive and super easy...

Now if only Hokus would stop ripping it apart! 

See you soon!


STARDUST said...

Hope you get well soon and up on your feet and running!

Monica Helén said...

Det er så kos å lese bloggen din på engelsk.. Trenger det vettu...=)
Jeg har lagt pixiebloggen til i bloglovin, så da snoke rjeg litt rundt der også etterhvert..=)

andrea@townandprairie said...

The horse vignette on your table is precious! I want it! andrea@townandprairie

Melanie said...

Your decor is simply gorgeous. And I'm in love with your kitten - he is SO cute! My "baby" is 17 months old, so I know what you mean about them being a holy terror, lol. Monkey (yes, that's his name) was just like your Hokus. He's still pretty wild, but not as bad as he used to be. A good laugh...when you mentioned covering your fridge and then showed a picture, I was thinking, "Wait a minute, where IS the fridge?" Then I remembered that you're on the other side of the pond, and that most fridge's there are about the size of American dishwashers, lol. I remember when my British friend came to visit me a few years ago and he said it looked like American refrigerators could fit several dead bodies inside. Ha ha ha!

Trädgårds/Hage-intresserad said...

Hej igjen, fryktelig trist med kyligheten inne, kjenner igjen det problemet... her heime.
Skönnt å höre att du har blive bedre fra lungebetennelsen!
Så söt den der busige Hokus. Han kommer nok å roe seg ned så smått, men det er jo litt urolig tills dess.
Ha en fin forstettning på lördagen.

Krossmyra said...

Du har så koselige detaljer! Og nydelige farger:)

Og gratulerer så mye med Pixie:) Hun er kjempefin:)