Sunday, November 11, 2012


This blog really is dead isn't it? I guess my blogging ooomph just isnt there anymore. Other things have found me... and the days pass by without any time to "get back into it"...
It's a wet and dark November... it started so great with white snow and cold... I loved it. Now it has all rained away and I long back to the crispness of snow.
And I am in a christmas mood allready. Imagine that. Maybe decorating for Yule will get me back into blogging? Who knows....
I have ideas, and plans, and projects, but they are all on hold!

My cottage hsa taken on a more british wildwood look, and most of the beachy theme has gone out the window for fall... I dream of getting my hands on a old worn chesterfield sofa for the livingroom... as my green vintage velvety one just doesnt hold up much longer. The cat hairs stick to it like glue I tell you!!! But nothing so far within my price range...
I hope you have a great time, wherever you might be in this world :) And maybe one day I'll be back on the blogging scene!!!
I am pretty active on pinterest though, rumaging for inspiration for that ever-dreaming-library of mine... someday! SOMEDAY!
And I have a re-found love for fashion now that most of my overweight has been shed. I just wish I got to dress up more, stupid job with it's silly uniform eh?
Have a good one!


Hulda said...

Så nydelig dette siste bildet var av koppen med kaffe og hestebildet. :) Håper å høre mye fra deg her utover vinteren og advent. :)

TracyMB @ Crows Feet Chic said...

Sweet little vignette with the rich brown and turquoise. Glad to see you back and looking forward to some snowy Yule posts. Congrats on your new 'you'! :)

Monica said...

Hehe..:) Det er typisk vettu, at når jeg endelig har litt tid til å lese blogger, så er din veldig tom.. Men hyggelig at det var ett nytt innlegg nå..:) Og så skal jeg være flink å blogge mer frankrike snart! =))))

Anonymous said...

Har fulgt deg i et par år nå, du er en av mine 2-3 absolutte favorittbloggere! Håper du får en kjempefin bloggepause, og at du kommer snart tilbake :)

Hilsen Irene

Melanie said...

I'm so sorry to see your blog go by the wayside...I really liked it! I'll just have to keep up with you on Pinterest. :-)