Saturday, April 30, 2011

Just add water....

I'm confused lately... about style, maybe I am just obsessing, but it's been a tick in my brain for a while now either way...
I like styles. I like naming a room to a certain style. And even though my home is overall country-cottage, I do have subtle changes and themes in each room. And I guess now I am in two minds about my diningroom.... I shall tell you why.
When I first started decorating the cottage I was visioning a country-farm-woodland cottage with light airy colour all about summer and spring. I have always loved fairytales, and naturalia curiousities. So the living room quickly became a blend of forgotten-garden-fairytale-with.a.sprinkle.of-naturalia and curiosa.
Originally the diningroom were to follow this theme as well...

the kitchen turned 50's farmhouse cute, with loads of greens and mints and aqua colours. I love my kitchen.My bedroom is classy airy with a flare of country. And the hallway is now very much equestrian back to the diningroom... it all started with birds as an overall theme, with aqua colours and white. My sister then gave me a dried, white starfish and I was sold. Later came the sea urchin, and some other shells. And newly I aquired a white, cute sperm whale. The diningroom has gone very beach-house-chic! When did that happen exactly?! I like it, no, I love that style. So maybe this just creeped up on me from dreams... but a beachy diningroom in a forest cottage?! Embrace it? Or get a grip?!?? And remove all sea-like decor?On my old door hung on the wall there are images of horses. Should I perhaps see if I cant find some images of fish or starfish to hang here instead? After all my horsey hallway should do enough for my love for all things equine...So what do you think? A "just add water" room in a forest... or ridiculous? :D


Myrullpiken said...

Så søte bilder:) så koselig du ble fornøyd med forklet:) Det er så søtt:) kjempe koselig om du tar turen til oss imorgen:)

Store klemmer fra oss i Myrullpiken<3

Virus said...

hva med strand tema nå som sommer kommer og heller "tørke opp" spisestua til høsten?

Anonymous said...

Helt enig med Virus, strandtema passer helt glimrende nå som sommeren er rett rundt hjørnet :)

Hilsen fra Irene

Spurven said...

Iblant er det noe som treffer oss - og vi er ikke i tvil.

Gå for aqua stilen, du - om det er det riktige for deg.

Vi endrer oss, endrer smak - til vi til slutt er hjemme et sted.

Men eg forstår dilemmaet. Er nok litt forutinntatt, for de fargene "snakker" til meg også;-)

Nydelige bilder av vakre hus du viste i forrige innlegg, forresten.

Eg ønsker deg ei fin uke!


Monica Helén said...

Jeg syns du skal slippe stranden inn i ditt Cottage jeg...=) Og de hestebildene kan da helt fint byttes ut med noe vann-greier...=) Gleder meg til å se hva som skjer der inne! =)

Arabella said...

I think you live in a country cottage which features the things which you love and those things together make it unique and special. It is apparent that you have an overall cottage feel throughout and it's fine to have starfish and horses in the same long as you love them both!